The following Disclaimers apply to this website which is operated by bluetinweb. These disclaimers detail the process for developing and/or managing a website for a client.
- dated: November 2013
- reviewed: Feb 2023
Ensure that you read and understand these disclaimers.
Although care has been taken in preparing the information supplied on our website, bluetinweb does not and cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of the site, including pricing values quoted.
Prices quoted are subject to change. Variations and changed requirements initiated by the client after quote acceptance and/or website development effort turns out to be more complicated than expected can incur additional costs.
bluetinweb cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and bluetinweb accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising. bluetinweb retains the right to alter the site shape, form or content; to take the website offline; or to remove any content at any time without notice.
This website includes links to third party websites which are used to provide further information and are not intended to signify that bluetinweb endorses such websites and/or their content.
bluetinweb takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using the linked websites or as a result of using the information published on any of the pages linked to these websites.
Once a website has been developed and approved by the client, bluetinweb can take no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the information contained in the site, as supplied to bluetinweb by the client.
Once the website has been delivered and any initial search engine submission has been completed, it is no longer the responsibility of bluetinweb to promote the website. If the owner of the website does not maintain search engine optimisations with relevant and current content, it is not the fault of bluetinweb and as such cannot be held responsible for any website failing to produce business.