Website details

Website Type

What type of website do you need?

Content Management System (CMS) - medium to large site with the ability to update content. For more information, please see our CMS Site page.

Standard Website - small site, maybe just a landing page with no need to update content regularly (once every 6 months?). For more information, please see our Standard Site page.

website project


The template - basically represents the "Graphic User Interface (GUI)" for your website.

This is the major starting piece of your website, and will be the look and feel of how you want your website to present your product/information/business to your customers. This part will require the most discussion to clarify your requirements.

Templates can consist of various elements depending on those requirements (shape, colour, texture, branding, logo, pictures) and these can be sourced from yourself or elements of your existing business (brochures, store front, marketing materials, business card, letter head etc). You will need to provide your graphic logo. If you do not have an image or logo, we can work together to create one that suits your requirements. The template will then be used to encapsulate your pages.



Examples of page types typically include:

Home page: This is the main page you provide to your customers so that they can understand what you are providing and invites and engages your guests so they want to stay and discover more about your business. It can be the most important page on your site.

About Us page: Your customers may want to know something about how the business started, who they are dealing with and what makes your business the one for them. This page should be informative and friendly, presenting some of yourself to your viewers. Depending on what you want to do, things like (an interesting story, photographs, a short history) are all good methods of building confidence and trust.

Contact page: A contact page allows you to provide a method to display all your contact details (phone, address, email). An encrypted form can provide you with secure means of email contact, as spam can be a significant problem and a contact page form provides you with a barrier to protect your email address from abuse. Additionally you can have this page upgraded to a secure page meaning that people will feel more confident in contacting you this way as their email address will be encrypted as it is passed to your business.

Privacy Policy: Dealing with people's details means that you have a legal responsibility to maintain their privacy. The privacy policy informs your customers that their privacy will be maintained in line with the regulations. You need a privacy policy to make sure that you are covered if people have provided you with their details and become victims of spam unrelated to your business.

Products/Sales page(s): Page(s) containing details that encourage purchases/sales with links to products/contact page. These pages need clever and enticing details to attract the viewer to take the next step and purchase/make contact.

Other pages: Feedback, FAQ, Technical information, Links, Terms & Conditions, Site Map etc. Review what you want to present and add what you need.

Customer Engagement Tools

Call to Actions: These are like buttons or lozenges on your page that encourage immediate action. They can be as simple as boosting your phone numbers visibility, linking to your online quotes page or as complex as leading to your Contact Generator(s) etc.

Contact Generator: This is a form based page used for getting people to enter their details so that you can contact them, build a marketing email list etc. These pages usually contain a snippet of something that might interest your customers and a form for them to fill out if they wish to get to the information. Once they fill in the form and submit their details, they are given access to the information. It can also be a sales pitch with an Opt-In Form to a weekly/monthly news letter that you might provide containing tips/industry news etc.

Shopping Cart: Selling your products online is the next logical step. Shopping carts can automate the process of selling tangible or electronic products over the internet. Goods can be (art or craft, a book you have written, leather work, a digital product you have created, just about anything).

Quotation Calculator: Some products/services work well with an online quotation system that can lead to a purchase button, if they like what they see thus ordering online.

Event Calendar: An event calendar can provide your customers with an understanding of what is happening with your industry. An example might be that you have customer engagement sessions at public venues. This allows people to come along and meet you face to face at the venue, you could even have links to a booking form.

Counters: Live counters of the people who are currently viewing your website or a general counter that informs people how many others have visited your site.

Polls: Polls are mini-surveys that give you timely feedback from your viewers on any topic you care to engage them with. Polls can help you to market your business. The information obtained can help you shape your business to your customers needs.




"...developing and maintaining websites for your business..."